running buddy.

before i hit the road for a little road trip up north overnight, i realized i haven’t written about today’s Instagram post yet. so as i wait for my travel companions, i’m going to take a few minutes to write.

running has been the hero of my adult life. it helped me to find a focus once college rowing was over. it helped me run through a lot of feelings – giving perspective to coming out, to work, to relationships, and helping me push myself outside of my comfort zone and to challenge myself to do things i had never dreamed of doing.

sometime many years ago this girl Krista moved to Madison and shortly thereafter she met my friend Meg and then a little while after that we became running buddies. in 2010 or 2011…maybe?! this was also the time when i was trying to gain some perspective on work and we became fast friends and bestest running buddies.

its no secret that my early (and mid-twenties) were a struggle for me trying to find my place in the adult world. running helped a lot and Krista even more.

we jokingly added one another (or maybe i just added her) as a piece of “training equipment” on the website we both use to track workouts when we realized we’ve literally, and easily, run hundreds of miles together.

not so long ago our running together was easy. we lived about a mile apart and would often run to a spot – first it was the corner by Machinery Row with our friend Kristin and later it was “our tree” on the east side. Needless to say, we both live further away from one another and so our really frequent runs have turned into whenever we can get together. i cherish those miles a lot.

and today was no different. currently, because of coaching commitments, i can’t join Krista when she runs long on Saturdays which is ok, but that leaves me running along a lot of the time. but yesterday i had the idea to run two Arb loops and hoped she could join me for one. AND SHE COULD. AND SHE DID.

it’s been hot here over the past week, so i wanted to knock this one out as early as possible. i did one loop and then we sweat the crap out of a second Arb loop. it was awesome. i’m grateful for a friend and awesome running buddy in this woman. roar!!

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